Yellow Convergence

Ok, here is the final tutorial if you’d like to build an army similar to mine… the actual painting of the models. In all the steps below except if i state otherwise the layers are applied from the top of the model. Step 1 From a slightly wider angle than 45 degrees  and up I apply Valejo Game Air Gold Yellow. As the orange base from … Fortsätt läsa Yellow Convergence

Basecoating and groundwork for rust effects

My friend Jens Andreasson has been giving me tips and pointers on how to improve my painting, and part of the reason why I am doing the Convergence of Cyriss project is exactly just to get better at painting. One of the things he has shown me is how to make nice battle damage and rust effects on miniatures. It requires some work, but the … Fortsätt läsa Basecoating and groundwork for rust effects

Making bases for my Convergence of Cyriss project

While I was planning my new Convergence project I spent alot of time looking for some good inspiration for the setting. I happened upon pictures from an anime called Coppelion that caught my attention. As you can see in the featured picture the setting is an overgrown abanoned city-scape. Asfalt, greens, roots. Pretty classical. I figured though that it’d be just about the perfect setting … Fortsätt läsa Making bases for my Convergence of Cyriss project