First week with Convergence

Hey everyone Tobias here with some finished models as wells a summary of the first weeks 0 point games. If you are curious as how I have painted my models i have included three links at the bottom of the post to the tutorials I’ve previously written. I played three zero point games this week. All games where played with the following list: Iron Mother … Fortsätt läsa First week with Convergence

First mk3 Tournament, Menoth thoughts

Been a bit since I wrote anything. This little thing called mk3 happened, and I’ve been busy getting all my stuff painted and’ve only had a couple of games to try out the new edition. So, out of practice and with a pair of new casters, no better time to go play in a tournament, says I! For a local gathering we pulled together 16 … Fortsätt läsa First mk3 Tournament, Menoth thoughts

Norwegian Masters day 1

So, time for my first international tournament of the year, even if its just in the neighbouring country of Norway. I met up with the southern swedes and our host Terje in Terjes house on friday evening for some drinks and socialising. A big thanks to Terje for hosting all the swedes in his house, most floorspaces was filled up by the 15-20 people staying … Fortsätt läsa Norwegian Masters day 1

Time for Skorne(rgy)!

So after WTC Im finally free to indulge my unique snowflake syndrome again, this time Im going in for pHexeris which was my first hordes warlock back in the days and I still feel like he has more potential then people give him credit for. I will try to post something on the blog fairly regularly (aiming at every 10 days or so) and update … Fortsätt läsa Time for Skorne(rgy)!

GenCon Battlereports Masters

So, time for masters! My lists for the qualifier are the actual lists i brought over to GenCon (since I knew I would play in at least one master qualifier), as a reminder those lists are: pSKarre -Helldiver -Helldiver -Skarlock Gorman Saxon Machinewraith Satyx Raider Captain Darragh Max Satyx Raiders+UA Max Satyx Bloodwitches+UA 2x min mechanithralls 2x necrosurgeon+Stiches eGoreshade – Tier 3 -Kraken Tartarus Min … Fortsätt läsa GenCon Battlereports Masters