Fantasia Fanatic XXXI

Time for the biggest miniature event locally to roll around again! Dates are: 6-7 May 75p Steamroller Hardcore Painting 1-2 Lists 6 Games played, even if we have only one undefeated player earlier Full rules and more info: Klicka för att komma åt Fantasia%20Fanatic%20XXXI%20v%C3%A5r%202017%20Warmachine.pdf Fortsätt läsa Fantasia Fanatic XXXI

First mk3 Tournament, Menoth thoughts

Been a bit since I wrote anything. This little thing called mk3 happened, and I’ve been busy getting all my stuff painted and’ve only had a couple of games to try out the new edition. So, out of practice and with a pair of new casters, no better time to go play in a tournament, says I! For a local gathering we pulled together 16 … Fortsätt läsa First mk3 Tournament, Menoth thoughts

Fantasia Fanatic 9-10 April

Vi kör på med Fanatic igen i Umeå! Informationshäfte för Fanatic som helhet samt schema: … 20Info.pdf Regler för warmachineturneringen: … %A4fte.pdf Kortfattat: 50p Master med vissa ändringar: Målarkrav 1-2 listor (1 lista med ADR caster får ta specialists) 6 matcher oavsett antal spelare m.m. CP scoring om vi är under 33 spelare där casterkill ger 3CP (fortfarande max 5 per match) Det … Fortsätt läsa Fantasia Fanatic 9-10 April

Norwegian Masters day 1

So, time for my first international tournament of the year, even if its just in the neighbouring country of Norway. I met up with the southern swedes and our host Terje in Terjes house on friday evening for some drinks and socialising. A big thanks to Terje for hosting all the swedes in his house, most floorspaces was filled up by the 15-20 people staying … Fortsätt läsa Norwegian Masters day 1

GenCon Battlereports Masters

So, time for masters! My lists for the qualifier are the actual lists i brought over to GenCon (since I knew I would play in at least one master qualifier), as a reminder those lists are: pSKarre -Helldiver -Helldiver -Skarlock Gorman Saxon Machinewraith Satyx Raider Captain Darragh Max Satyx Raiders+UA Max Satyx Bloodwitches+UA 2x min mechanithralls 2x necrosurgeon+Stiches eGoreshade – Tier 3 -Kraken Tartarus Min … Fortsätt läsa GenCon Battlereports Masters